AVAC Arts for those who have been following the brand over the past decade will testify that the organisation has evolved with the times; with regards to adaptation and utilisation of web technologies. It has taken us over 10 years to finally be able to have a fully functional secure website address www.avacarts.com which should be accepting online payments soon. For an organisation founded in Zimbabwe, the road to where we are now has been an upward hill full of revelations and stumbling blocks.
In developing countries is not easy to get information on just about anything, let alone how to use new technologies. Global sanctions against Zimbabwe have not been targeted on the ruling ZANU PF Government officials alone. They have affected everyone in the country with the hardest hit being the general public. We are living in a globalizing world where everyone is being interconnected at an exponentially growing rate due to the use of modern technological developments. Prohibitions for Zimbabwe residents from international trade platforms such as eBay.com, Paypal and Skrill.com affect the trading man, not the politicians.
With the dollarization of the economy, now more than ever before do we need as a country to be export oriented but then you find some foreign banks openly discouraging their clients from transferring funds directly to Zimbabwe branding it as an unsecure destination and this is not good at all. Unemployment, poverty, hunger and disease are at a rise. It is noted that since last week Friday more than 1500 employees have lost their jobs and the situation looks gloomy.