Zimbabwean sculptors and players in the tourism sector have been amongst the hardest hit by the COVID-19 global pandemic. This is so because most of their clients were international clients. Victoria Falls as an example has basically turned into a ghost town living thousands unemployed.
The Zimbabwean government has failed to cover sculptors in their COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Stimulus Package which has received its fair share of criticism as being ficticious.
As AVAC Arts we met and discussed with several artists on how best we could overcome the Goliath before us. We agreed to introduce a “Name Your Price” option for all the products being sold through AVAC Arts. All prices given hence only become “Suggested Prices”. The price of art is very subjective and this year has been a very challenging year for the vast majority of Zimbabwean stone sculptors who are now on survival mode.
Zimbabwe is a country with no social net. There is little the Zimbabwe government is doing to help the vulnerable groups of our communities. There are no unemployment benefits and the rates of unemployment are way above 90%.
We do not want to beg for donations as is the culture with most Africans when we have sculptures to trade. Please support Zimbabwean sculptors by buying sculptures for your home, office, garden or as a gift. All purchases will go a long way towards saving Zimbabwean lives from starvation.
Start your own Art business trading in Zimbabwe Stone sculptures